I am a social entrepreneur and Angeleno, born and bred, with the perspective of a historian and a futurist, and with the entrepreneurial spirit and the extensive experience and skills required to effect positive change.

My love affair with Los Angeles began as a girl growing up near Inglewood--which seemed, at the time, an idyllic environment. We played outdoors, walked to public school, took buses downtown for shopping and adventure. Of course, there was complexity that wasn't visible to a child. 

Over the years, I have lived in other parts of Southern California as well as Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis. Each place had its special appeal. But Los Angeles was home. Of course, with maturity, childhood nostalgia gave way to reality-- LA was far from perfect; yet despite its imperfections, LA is dynamic, brimming with possibilities, welcoming, positive and ahead of the curve.